Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Pathway / Gate

I find myself walking in and to of the gate a lot, caring bricks with a wheel barrel or by hand.
I got another load today.

I put this spring on the gate to make sure the gate closes behind me. The dogs have not tried to get out, but better safe then wasting time trying to catch them.

That eye bolt is for another gate that I can pad lock shut if I want.

I just attached the spring to it and onto the chain link fence.

The little stuff is pleasing.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Pathway Update

About a month ago, the weather was nice, so we took a little section and leveled it out some.

Last Friday I picked up some more bricks. Friend did not want them anymore. I keep searching craigslist for free bricks and stones. I've seen some, but to far to drive. I'll keep looking. Spring is near, and I bet there will be some people re-landscaping.

Lamp Out Warning - Intermittent

remove these 2 Torx head
I drive a 2005 Dodge 3500 - Great truck! Diesel and Im getting 21.45 mpg in the city. What's there not to like?

My lamp out warning light would come on intermittently. I would pull over to check the lights and all the lights worked.
This month I need to get the truck inspected, so I figured I needed to get this sorted.

How to pull out tail lights out, or change a tail/brake/reverse light bulb on a 2005 Dodge

Remove the 2 Torx head screws

remove these 2 Torx head
The lens has pegs that go in these holes

note the 4 phillip head screws

I pulled the tail lights out, and found that I could wiggle one of the bulbs to make it fail.

t should look like this on both sides

With wire melted in

Pulled the bulbs to look closer at them. Noticed that one did not look like the others.
The metal wire on one side looked like it was broken off. So it seemed.

scrapped the plastic off the wire on the left

I did not want to buy another bulb since this bulb was good. We like to fix things instead of sending them to a land fill.

Took out the pocket knife and discovered the wire was not broke off, but just melted into the plastic. I scrapped the plastic, and pulled the wire out some.

pulled the wire out a little

Since the revers bulbs are the same, I just put this bulb in the reverse lights slot.

Lights were great now, time to go get it inspected.

If you need to replace the part the holds the bulbs, the wire can be a little tricky to get unplugged. There is a little red clip or keeper that helps hold the wire connector on that needs to be taken off first. Then you can unplug the wire.
The red clip
the red clip

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Blast from the Past

First note: I did not leave any trash anywhere. I brought it home.

We went Camping this week. I found this old pull tab. Who knows how old it is. I have not seen one in YEARS!

I had a good time shooting it.

For you younger folks, This style tab was used on Coke cans and beer cans in the 70s.
You separate the tab from the round part. Use the tab part like a spring by sliding it in the slot as shown in the picture. Hold the end of the tab and pull the disc back and let go. The round disc will fly pretty far like a Frisbee.

They stopped making these because people were leaving pull pulltabs everywhere. Which make since, but I sure miss them.
I also want to say, Im glad they don't make them anymore, because I hate liter.

After shooting it a number of times, I did not leave it on the ground. I brought it home for more fun....

My son was not impressed.

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Blast from the Past

 Old picture of a 56 Chevy.