Saturday, July 8, 2017

Porch Swing - part 4

Yesterday, I finally got back to do some more on this project. I still need to finish the car port roof...

I started putting the pieces together.

In this picture Im using my calibrated measuring tool to get the distance I want from the back brace (One fingers width). I do the same on both sides.
For the rest of the slats, I found a piece of scrap wood that I used as a spacer.

scrap wood spacer
And there you have it, I ran out of wood.

Once I get the back rest slats on, I will put in the center supports. I also made a few blocks to add as extra supports. I will get a better picture of blocks that next time. 

Who knows I may start on the car port. You can see the old shingles I used for paving under the car port. Im pretty happy how that worked out.

Tell me what you think.

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Blast from the Past

 Old picture of a 56 Chevy.